Lately, most of the bunny happenings have been coding this webpage. Mostly a learning curve on this side of the screen, I'm sure on your side of the screen it's a totally different experience? I'd hope so, at least!
Other than coding webpages, there's been a lot of work done at our old house. It's currently a rental house and our renters went out and bought a house of their own. Yay! However, that means we have to find new renters. Boo! They were lovely folks and we're glad they have a house of their own now, but we will miss them.
This change does, however, give us a chance to finally finish off the back deck. We had been at the last stages of finishing a back deck at the other house when this house had been bought as a rental house. It turned out to not be nice enough to rent, so we had to rent out the nice one with the flat back yard and move to the 'new' one, even though the 'new' one is older than the 'old' one. We went from a 1974 house with a flat yard to a 1952 house on a slope. The yard is twice as big, but not flat at all. Oh well, we've now gone from being a farm on a hillside - "Hillside Farm", to a 'micro-farm' on a backyard hillside, to a lovely micro-farm in a flat backyard and now back to a backyard micro-farm on a hillside again. Maybe it's the name that makes hillsides appear around here? Although, we do try to get a lovely ocean view and that usually happens on a hillside, so that may have more to do with it.
Anyway, we're now finishing the railing around the back deck at the house we used to live at. Not that the back deck is all that high off the ground, it's just under two and a half feet high, but it's nice to have a railing around the deck anyway. Gives folks a place to put their drinks and lean on while looking out.