It's been a bunny haircut day. That means there's fluff everywhere but there's still some more bunnies to get haircuts so it's not completely cleared up yet. I came inside to update the database and have gotten distracted by the computer. I'll go either clean up or give another bunny a haircut after I get this posted.
The railing for the back deck of the rental house is now mostly finished. Whew! Dropping a major project into the usual work load without a lot of lead time makes for a huge time crunch. But, it's looking like that project will be getting finished up in a week or two so we can get back to our usual level of projects.
Here's some pictures of the finished railing. We still need to paint the floor and do some work on the picture window in the living room, but the deck railing at least is finished.
This is Suzie, she's an albino doe and we would like to get some offspring from her, but that doesn't work real well when there's this much wool on the bunny.
After her haircut, she has gone to visit with Sydney. Actually, she has already been visiting with Sydney for several days. She didn't seem all that pleased to see him after her haircut so perhaps she's already been bred? With this much wool on her, it's 'iffy' as to if it took or not, but she's grumpy enough at Sydney that maybe it did. I'll put her in Cheiri's space and give Cheiri a haircut and let Cheiri visit with Sydney. Sydney just had a haircut several days ago, so he's ready for girls to visit.
Cheiri's coat is about half grown but long enough to harvest. If we left the wool on her, it would get longer and denser than it is now, but we need the fiber to make yarn. We are also hoping for some baby bunnies, so she needs a haircut before visiting Sydney so things have a chance of happening.
Chieri is a much happier bunny now. She can now see her food dish again. Sometimes she can only find her food by smelling for it.
We are hoping for a litter from Dark Star, a black satin hybrid doe and Phineus Phogge, our lilac English angora buck. She will hopefully have them tomorrow, although she may decide not to since I'd moved her into a different nesting area several days ago. It's one of the ones with the dropped nest box and she'd been in that one earlier so I figured it might smell right to her. She promptly dug all the nesting materials out of the nest and scattered them about. Guess she wasn't thrilled about the change. Well, we will see what happens tomorrow. If she does have a litter, I'll post some pictures of it.
Other than Dark Star & Phineus, we're hoping for a litter between Suzie, the albino doe and Sydney, the agouti buck. That one is due November 10th so we still have to wait awhile. There will hopefully be a litter between Sydney and the black doe, Chieri on November 14th. As a few more girls get haircuts, they will go visit boys. Zeus may be old enough soon for buck duty, he's five months old now so it's still a bit early, so probably the next round of breedings in late November (if these don't show up) he will get a turn at buck duty.