It seems like springtime is generally busier than the rest of the year, dunno why, really. It's not like one season is all that different than the rest of them around here, it being Hawaii and all.
Getting the new driveway installed has been a major project on the 'finished' list, although I suppose it should be the 'mostly finished' list since it still need concrete, some work around the edges, etc., etc. However, we won't be able to afford the concrete for quite some time and fixing the edges will be an ongoing sort of project as part of the upcoming landscaping efforts.
It was also a project where we got to do more watching and supervising than grunt labor. Yay! However, this type of work is a LOT more expensive than when we're the ones doing it. Guess we won't get to be supervisors very often.
This is where we started, it's always good to have a few 'before' pictures since otherwise we forget where we were.
The picture above is from way back when, at that point, we hadn't started the shingles on the exterior or done much clearing of the landscape, either. Although that grew back at least twice during the restoration/renovation.
We took down the old carport before the excavator arrived. Partly since the materials can be reused - some of them at least - to make a little shed for the sheep. Which is still very much a project on the 'to do' list, although there is now a temporary lean to for them now. Some of the tin from the sides of the old carport are now the sheep lean-to at the back fence. It's not officially taken 'sheep hut' off the project list, just made it so we can delay that project for a few weeks or months.
But, enough of the now delayed sheep hut project and back to the finished for now driveway project.
Although, it's also getting pretty late at night, so I'll hopefully finish this tomorrow.