Times they are a'changing at

Hillside Farm Hawaii

It's a lot easier to keep track of what's up when there's a list of changes, so here ya are:

Trinity with babies

With bunnies, there's always changes

Since it's hard to keep track of various changes to the website, especially when it's to an area you may not look at very often, here's a handy list of changes. I won't list the 'Newest News' blog entries since they by default change about as frequently as anything else does on this website, but when there's a new page hiding somewhere or an update to an existing page, I'll list it here. The newest changes will be at the top of the list so you won't have to scroll down to find the newest changes.

Not that you'd particularly notice, but this webpage is all directly coded in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language ) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). It's been a learning experience and quite educational.

The reason for the direct coding is because a LOT of websites use code from other sources. Which means they are dependent on someone else's site being functional for their own site to remain functional. When we had a free Google site, since it was a very limited amount of online space, we used PhotoBucket to host the pictures for the Google site. PhotoBucket finally noticed that a LOT of folks were using their site as picture storage (which we were) instead of using their site to upload, edit and then use their services to print the pictures. They then disallowed the pictures to be linked to an outside webpage. Which meant all the pictures on my Google site disappeared. PhotoBucket then said they'd allow outside links for an annual fee of several hundreds of dollars.

The Google site also wasn't very cellphone friendly. Which, when it was started wasn't that much of a concern, but now with smartphones just about everywhere, being able to access the bunny's website via a cellphone/smartphone became important. Due to the limitations of the small Google site, plus they didn't allow very much variation in the code on their page and the lack of pictures, we decided to get our own webpage that wouldn't have those restrictions. Which is how we got here, just in case you were wondering.

As I learn more code, I may restructure the code on the page, not that you'd possibly notice it very much. Soon I hope to switch the navigation buttons from HTML to CSS so the pages will load faster. Should be a cleaner bit of code, too, but we will see. So, if things change in an 'interesting' way, well, I'm still just learning code.

The whole bunny thing started because I wanted someone to eat the grass in the back yard instead of us having to mow it all the time. Now there's bunnies and yarn and we still have to mow the grass in the back yard. So, that side track didn't work out quite as well as I'd hoped, but the bunnies are still tons of fun. Soon, we hope for sheep, which may finally get someone eating that grass in the back yard. But, this is about changes to the website, so here's a list of the changes as they occur:

(Hmm, well, this was a good idea back in April, 2020, now it's August, 2020 and I've not updated it like I should. I'll try to be better, but this doesn't look like it's gonna be a conclusive way to keep track of things).

Although, this is just to keep track of new pages and such, the pages that changes all the time such as the 'New Farm News' or whatever I'm calling the blog these days, that will change all the time without being noted here. Also the 'Available Bunnies' page and the 'In the Nestbox' page changes won't be noted here. This is for keeping track of when I add a new page to the more or less 'static' parts of this website.

There's fluid things, such as daily news, bunnies being born and growing and such, that don't need to be noted as changing because change is what they do. But pages such as a new section - sheep, for example - those will (hopefully) be noted here.

🐇The Sheep Project 🐇
August 28th, 2020 - New Sheep Page
🐇mostly finished back bedroom renovation 🐇
August 26th, 2020 - Almost Finished Back Bedroom Reno
🐇Cute baby bunny 🐇
April 29th, 2020 - New Nesting Bunny Hutch
🐇Trinity with babies 🐇
April 29th, 2020 - List of Changes (this page)

Bunny eating a citrus leaf

Meet Your Fiber Providers

Get to know your Fiber Providers! Bunny approved yarn is always best.
Eventually, we hope to have a picture of each bunny along with a separate page for each one so you can meet your fiber providers.
Knitting, crocheting and weaving with somebunny you know is much better than just knitting, crocheting and weaving with just anybunny.

If you like, you can send us an email and ask about bunnies, yarn, Hawaii things, what we should have on our webpage or just about anything else.

Mail to: Hillside Farm Hawaii